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January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

"For nothing is impossible with God" ~ Luke 1:37NLT

Today during my morning devotions I read the story of Mary. The story of when the Angel Gabriel approached her and told her that she would have a son, and not just an ordinary son but the Son of God.  

Can you imagine all of the thoughts that ran through her mind, disbelief, bewilderment, doubt, fear. Somehow Mary was more composed than I would have been at her age and she asked the right question..... how could this be, I'm a virgin, I've never been with a man? Gabriel responded to her and told her that she would conceive through the Holy Spirit, and he said "for nothing is impossible with God"!

This was enough of an answer for Mary, and this teenager was wise enough to say, may everything you say will happen come to pass. 

Now I don't know about you, but I needed to hear those words today "For nothing is impossible with God".....let me celebrate a little and rejoice!!!! Because those same words that could have shaken a teenager, who could have been killed because she was pregnant without being married, that could have rattled her life because her fiance would most likely publicly disgrace her, brought her comfort.  She did not stress for one second what her circumstances would be, she didn't doubt any more, she just said ok. 

Now as I sit here thanking God for the roller coaster that was 2013, I am happy to say that God has challenged me in many ways, He is breaking me free of so many things that have held me back from fully embracing the Love that He has to offer. He has stood by my side and wiped ever tear I've shed this year. And I can say and will continue to say "for nothing is impossible with God"

You see, people will inevitably fail us, they will turn their backs on us, they will move on and forget about us. But God is there, and He's patiently waiting on us to turn to Him. He wants to fill our hearts with joy, our mouths with praises, and our spirits with His Holy Spirit. 

Let us remember that just like He chose Mary, He chooses us, just like He strengthen Mary to carry out His will, regardless of the circumstances, He equips us the same way. 

When you sit and write down your resolutions for this new year, and reflect on the goodness of God throughout all the good and bad times of the years past, remember to rejoice because today and always God is seeking after our hearts, and only He can make the impossible possible. He guides, He leads and He loves us.

Happy New Year 

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